Blocker Blog - Entry 3: The Humboldt Forum
The Humboldt Forum upon first impressions for me was a new type of museum institution in comparison to other museums that I have been to. Upon its many controversies I have built an increasingly critical view of the Forum in a way that helps me create a type of ideal space where reflection and action that can be done in a museum setting, particularly in a setting that holds various archeological artifacts. Now, the Humboldt Forum in a broader sense holds space for conversations that are other than just acknowledging colonial and imperial history that I also enjoy to see. For context, the Humboldt Forum hosts different exhibitions that have different categories of items that ranges from the sciences to the humanities and the arts in its different levels. A particular space that really holds the space to start deep conversations about various topics is the Humboldt Lab. The Humboldt Lab, located on the first floor is a 1,000+ square space where, in partnership with Humboldt- Universität,...