Blocker Blog - Entry 8: Closing Remarks
A semester seems like a long time where many things can happen, but in retrospect, I could only do so much where I am left with a yearning to do more. A semester abroad in Germany was an incredible eye-opening experience where I was able to learn so much about Berlin as a city as well as about myself. In having the intentions of majoring in Art History, being able to visit so many institutions in a short amount of time left me with incredible insight on how much of a world it is where many works of art, historical or modern, have made a home in renowned organizations. Nevertheless, it has also been a great opportunity to be critical of their practices or at least to question their motives and how such motives maintain certain institutional legacies. Upon first glance, I was not really knowledgeable about Germany’s history, my education up to this point only taught me turning points that lead to what we know of the country today. However it was through my classes at my program, ...